Three candidates left for chief in Dettah

And then there were three.

Fred Sangris has officially withdrawn as a candidate for the Dettah Chief in the upcoming Yellowknives Dene First Nation election.

Sangris is the community negotiator for YKDFN and has been working on the Akaitcho land claim process.

“I was asked by the elders and members to continue … working with the Akaitcho negotiations team, so that’s what I’m going to do,” said Sangris in a news release.

The three remaining candidates are Rachel Crapeau, Bobby Drygeese and incumbent Edward Sangris.

A Candidates Forum is scheduled for Thursday, August 1, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Chief Drygeese Community Centre in Dettah.

The election for Dettah chief will be on August 12.

There are also 21 candidates vying for the 10 YKDFN councillor positions. There are five councilors from Dettah and five from Ndilo that sit on council.

The full list of candidates is below:

Candidates for Dettah Councillor (9): 

Candidates for Ndilo Councillor (12):

·         Liza Charlo-Pieper

·         Jessica DeLeary

·         Bobby Drygeese

·         Alfred Liske

·         Kateri Lynn

·         George Martin

·         Derrick L. Sangris

·         Jonas Sangris

·         Mary Rose Sundberg




·         Cecilie Beaulieu

·         Troy Beaulieu

·         Justina Black

·         Lena Ann Black

·         Lloyd Drygeese

·         Roy Erasmus Sr.

·         Catherine Lafferty

·         William Lines

·         Elizabeth J. Liske

·         Philip E. Liske

·         Ted Tsetta

·         Alice Wifladt


There will be two candidates forums for councillors: August 14 at the Ndilo gym and August 15 at the Chief Drygesse Centre in Dettah, both are at 7 p.m. The election for councillors will be on August 26. All council positions are four-year terms.

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